Our Waters
Missoula is the hub of Western Montana fly fishing. Conveniently situated at the confluence of four major trout streams, our region offers anglers over 400 miles of floatable fishable water in addition to dozens of small streams and lakes. Read through our offerings below and you'll agree we sit at the end of the rainbow - with a pot not of gold but full of cutthroats, rainbows, and browns.

Blackfoot River
The Big Blackfoot River is everything it’s cracked up to be. Wild canyons, deep green boulder choked channels and more.
The Big Blackfoot River’s bottomless emerald pools, boulder strewn pocket water and diamond chop riffles all shaded by moss covered cliffs and towering ponderosa pines combine to make this the epitome of Montana fly-fishing.
FISH SPECIES: Native Westslope Cutthroat Trout, Rainbows, Browns, Cutbows, rare native Bull Trout, plenty of Mountain Whitefish, and just a few Brookies.
TRIP TYPES: Full day and half day floats, full and half day walk/wade trips, overnight and multiday riverside camp trips, scenic trips.

Clark Fork River
Having the Clark Fork in your back yard is like getting a two for one deal at your favorite brewery – every day!
The Clark above Missoula slides under deep cut banks and around beaver cut logs harboring long jawed browns and streamer chasing cutbows. After meeting up with Rock Creek, the Blackfoot and the Bitterroot, the Clark Fork’s complexion radically changes to a wide sweeping river with big, hard-fighting rainbows and even bigger Montana big sky views. The Clark Fork is like two completely different rivers only minutes from Missoula. Come fish them both with us this year.
FISH SPECIES: Rainbows, Browns, native Westslope Cutthroat, Cutbows and Mountain Whitefish.
TRIP TYPES: Full and half day float trips, full and half day walk/wade trips, whitewater/fishing combos, overnight and multiday river camps.

Bitterroot River
Noted for exceptional dry fly fishing throughout its 80 mile course, the Bitterroot wonders through cottonwood bottoms in the shadow snow capped peaks.
Major hatches of stone flies, mayflies, and caddis start early in March here and continue on right through November. The braided nature of the Bitterroot provides for delightful combination float/wade trips affording anglers to get out of the boat periodically to ply seldom fished side channels and backwaters. Fly fishing the Bitterroot seldom disappoints.
FISH SPECIES: Native Westslope Cutthroat Trout, Rainbows, Browns, Cutbows, Mountain Whitefish and just a few Bull Trout and Brook Trout.
TRIP TYPES: Full or half day float trips, full or half day walk/wade trips, overnight or multiday river side camp trips, and scenic trips.

Rock Creek
Yes, there are probably 20 Rock Creeks in Montana but this is THE Rock Creek.
The Montana blue ribbon stream you’ve likely read about or dreamed of fly fishing. The Rock Creek boasting the state’s most likely chance of you catching five different wild trout species in one outing. Welcome to the wade anglers paradise.
FISH SPECIES: Native Westslope Cutthroats, Browns, Rainbows, Cutbows, native Bull Trout, Brook Trout and Mountain Whitefish
TRIP TYPES: Walk/wade day trips, float trips available during a short window in May-June.

Georgetown Lake
Nestled in the Pintlar Mountains near Philipsburg, Montana.
Sight fishing far and fine is our goal with dry fly casts 50'+ to cruising fish. When the fish are being snooty we'll pitch and strip olive buggers. If you’ve bonefished the flats before, you get the picture.
FISH SPECIES: Rainbows, Brook Trout, Kokanee Salmon, and just a few Cutbows and Bull/Brook hybrids.
TRIP TYPES: Full Day float fishing trips, sight fishing trips, multiday combined with Rock Creek trips.

Missouri River
Trout in staggering numbers and size call the Missouri home. Classic tailwater fly fishing with a Montana flair.
The famous section of the Missouri River below Holter Dam is a 2 hour drive from Missoula. We frequent this stretch of the Mo' during the winter, or when local rivers are too high and dirty due to rain or snowmelt.
FISH SPECIES: Rainbow and Brown trout of trophy proportions and numbers, Mountain Whitefish, Carp, and believe it or not, Walleye.
TRIP TYPES: Day Float trips, overnights and multi day trips, walk and wade trips